Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Stranded in Honesdale.

Dream: A normal mid-winter hike in the northern Poconos turned suddenly awry as a ferocious blizzard stranded me in the only town of which I knew anything about, Honesdale. Luckily several of my Highlights friends were available to help me, namely Kelley Cunningham who was gracious enough to give me a place to stay to ride out the storm. I had to make due on the couch which was fine by me. One of 
the highlights staff let me into Kelley's home since I arrived late so I quickly went to sleep.

Early that morning, even before the sun had risen for the day , the house was stirring. Kelley was gone and off to work before I could even say thank you. Highlights illustrators Judy and Bill greeted me at the kitchen table. We chatted over some tea and some kind of hearty cereal. As we spoke I became confused over the topic of conversation since it sounded as though I was included in, as they insisted in calling it, "a parade to the sick." It was at this point that I noticed Judy and Bill were dressed quite elaborately in Victorian era costumes. While I was in the middle of explaining why I happened to be here, there a loud knock at the door. I opened it only to be greeted by a number of folks dressed in full Victorian dress. They all pushed their way in- scavenging throughout Kelley's kitchen looking for any food they could get their hands on. "This is crazy!" I said but Judy and Bill just nodded .

After the feeding frenzy died down most everyone took afternoon long naps throughout the house, lying on the furniture, the floor and even one in the bathtub. I wondered when this parade to the sick would take place so I could clean up the house for Kelley but it never happened. After the sunset an absolutely glowing Chris Clark arrived decked out in an 80's prom dress complete with an 80's hairdo. "Let's get this party started!" she exclaimed and the house emptied out. I could hear them marching away only to be interrupted by the sudden hush of the crowd. Kelley was standing at the nearby ravine edge directing us downward. We descended the steep slope, finding our way to the rushing river below. It was dark but I could make out the silhouette of Kelley standing in front of a water carved archway in the middle of the river. Kelley raised her fist in the air, "This is the passage, it is here we must pass!" Everyone cheered and hurried forward. Upon a closer inspection of the arch I noticed it was a set piece from the Last of the Mohicans which I mentioned to Kelley on the way through. She leaned and whispered with a wink, "Let's keep it between us, okay?" With that I woke up.

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